"88 Notes"

Chris Spencer, a talented photographer and videographer over at Middlebury College, recently invited me over to the campus to make this short film in which I play a few songs on a really nice piano and stammer some rambling responses to basic questions in between. We hope you like it:

Speaking of Vermont, here’s a nice new write-up about Salt in County Tracks, a local music blog up there. You can stream that album here and order it here. And there’s a small handful of performances in northern New England coming up to round out the year; details for all of those are here.

I just got back from a quick swing down south, which looked variously like thisthis, and this. I’m immensely pleased to report that while I was down there I finally played a gig in South Carolina, meaning that Delaware and Hawaii are now the only states that I still haven’t performed in. So if you live in Honolulu or Dover and want me to play in your backyard, please let me know — I’ll cancel all my plans and get there right away.

Thanks, everyone; I hope you’re all well.

Ben Cosgrove